Home The 12 most important techniques for ranking your site

The 12 most important techniques for ranking your site

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What is website SEO (SEO)? The 12 most important techniques for ranking your site and improving search engines 

The 12 most important techniques for ranking your site

Do you have information about the number of articles published daily? WordPress users alone  publish 2 million  articles per day, or an average of 24 articles every second. This is only for WordPress users, and what about users of other content management systems? The matter is complicated and requires following site SEO and search engine optimization techniques to get traffic to your site.

Perhaps you do not know what website SEO is, or you know it but are ignorant of its techniques. In this article, we will explain what SEO is, its importance, and its techniques.

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization in English, abbreviated as SEO, is the process of improving your content and website pages to suit search engines such as Google and Bing, and ranking it in the first results of the search engine to get traffic to the website.

When it comes to SEO, there are four main parties: your website, the search engine, researchers, and competitors. If you have an article about “improving website SEO,” you will want it to be in the first results of search engines when it is searched for by users, and to overcome On other competitors' articles.

That is, search engine optimization (SEO) is techniques, or we can say practices, that are carried out by site owners, to improve the ranking of the site’s pages in search results. You should know that these practices and technologies are constantly changing based on search engine updates.

The importance of website SEO

Website SEO  has become an important role in all marketing plans, to the point that no marketing plan is devoid of a search engine marketing strategy, due to its importance, which is represented in:

  • It's not just about SEO, but by following SEO practices you will improve the user experience.
  • Gaining free website traffic, unlike paid ads that require money, as it represents a free way to promote products and services.
  • Users trust search engines, and the site’s presence in the first results means that it has high credibility, so users do not hesitate to deal with the site.
  • By improving your SEO, you will have a competitive advantage over other sites that sell the same products and services. So, you are likely to have more customers and sales.
  • SEO is easy to measure its results and identify the volume of visitors on your website, for each page and keyword separately. This enables you to identify appropriate strategies and keywords.

–  Website ranking factors in search results

Before you learn about the factors that rank websites in search results, let’s get to know the types of website SEO, which are:

  • Off-page SEO: It consists of the backlinks or backlinks that you get.
  • On-site SEO: This type of website SEO is related to the quality of keywords, their distribution, and the quality of the content.
  • Technical SEO: It is also measured on your website, and consists of the site’s speed, freedom from programming errors, etc.

You must know that there are no single factors for ranking in search results, but rather a combination of factors intertwining with each other, combining everything that is done inside and outside the website and in addition to technical SEO.

–  Technical website ranking factors

Through spiders, search engines crawl and index websites. For this to happen, there are some things that must be done correctly, which are represented in the following 12 most important techniques to rank your site:

1-  Website speed

Time is the most valuable thing for visitors. If a page takes more than 5 seconds to load, they will immediately close it and search for another site. When we say site speed, what is meant is the speed of its individual pages, whether the main page or other sub-pages.

This is why we find that site speed increases the bounce rate, which will reduce the site’s ranking and  lead it to the top in Google search results . Visitors always expect a fast and delay-free user experience, and this is why site speed is an important factor in ranking in search results.

There are many tools that allow you to know the speed of the site, for example GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed ​​Insights, which are free and easy to use and show you the aspects of improvement that must be done to address the problem of page speed, which is reflected in improving the site’s SEO.

2-  Compatibility with mobile phone

When your site starts being crawled by Google, mobile compatibility will be the first criteria that Google targets, and Google often uses the mobile version of your site for evaluation.

Even if your site runs smoothly on desktop, its ranking may be reduced if it is not mobile-friendly, and you should always ensure that all pages of your site are mobile-friendly. There are some tools that enable you to adapt the site to mobile phones, such as the Mobile-Friendly Test tool, which gives you statistics about the speed of your site.

3-  Ranking factors within the site

The technical ranking factors target all pages of the site, or we can say the entire website. As for the internal ranking factors, they relate to each page individually, and they are:

4-  Internal linking

Search engines crawl your website, any page or article, and when you link internally, this helps search engines index the site’s content and understand it well.

Internal linking means hyperlinking between website pages, and this also helps users find what they are looking for on your website. In order to do this, you will need to link articles and content on the site to similar and related content.

5-  Target keywords

Keywords are the starting point to improve website SEO. They refer to the word or phrase that the audience uses to search on search engines. Before you create any content, you must specify the keyword.

If your site is new, it is always better to choose keywords with a low competition rate, which are always long words, for example, instead of choosing the word “YouTube SEO.” Focus on “improving YouTube SEO for WordPress sites.” To  identify the appropriate keywords, there are a group of Tools like:

  • Keywordtool
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends

6-  Titles

After selecting the keyword, you should add it to certain parts, including the title. Search engines use titles to identify site content, and so do searchers.

7-  Description of the article

It is what appears at the bottom of the title on search results, and it is said that Google has no longer given importance to the description of the article. It displays the part of the article that matches the search term, and in the images below you can see what the article description looks like:

It plays a key role in attracting users to click on the result on the search engine, which is important for improving website SEO.

8-  Improve images

Images are one of the search methods for many users. These images have an option called alt text in which the keyword must be attached. Which works to rank these images in the first results in the image search engine, and if the image fails to display, this alternative text is displayed.

9-  Improve the article link structure

The structure of the article title affects the article's ranking on search engines, and random titles that contain many meaningless letters or numbers are unwelcome behavior, for example:

https://sillweb.com /13891.html

Alternatively it is possible to attach the keyword phrase as follows:

https://sillweb.com /yoast-seo-plugin

10-  Off-page ranking factors

When it comes to off-site optimization, there is one strategy that is followed, including on social media platforms and other sites, which is the backlink, which is linking one of the pages of the website to one of the  other platforms  or websites, indicating the quality of the content and the reliability of the site. . To get backlinks, you must do the following:

11-  Providing high-quality content

If your content is high-quality, it will attract readers and then become a reference through backlinks, which improves your site's SEO. This method requires a lot of time and effort in order to gain the trust of users.

12-  Guest Post

One of the ways that you can build backlinks that target specific words is by purchasing or asking a site to publish an article of your own, with a group of backlinks that point to your site.

Your website now has the best SEO features

All of these points can be shortened and you can receive your own unique website that takes into account the smallest technical details and is suitable for all search engines, starting with hosting and domain, through important and professional templates and additions, and creating pages, all the way to its appearance in search engines.

- Conclusion

As you can see, SEO includes many techniques and tactics that must be done, and moreover, these tactics and practices are constantly changing; Because searcher behaviors change, so do search engine algorithms. However, at the same time, it is of utmost importance to obtain a low-cost marketing channel that guarantees continuity in marketing your site.

If you want to learn  SEO  , we advise you to follow Seo Master to get the best advice and guidance that will help you effectively improve your website’s SEO.

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